Forum Discussion

Sams_88783's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 05, 2011

Irule Help

I have created 2 VIP's.



1) VIP is with port 80 and nodes with port 8080



2) VIP is with port 8080 with irule



The requirement is VIP 2 with port 8080 to not have the hard coded domain names but to use the host variable without the port number. These rules should be redirecting to the default port for http.



The below irule will meet the requirement or not ? if not please suggest how to write the irule.






{ HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri] }



waiting for help at the earliest
  • Hi Sams,



    So you want to redirect any request made to the VS:8080 to VS:80? If so, you can use getfield to remove the port and send the redirect:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://[getfield [HTTP::host] : 1][HTTP::uri]"



    This strips the port number from the host header and sends a 301 to the new location. If you want to send a 302 instead, just change the status code in HTTP::respond.



    If I've misinterpreted your scenario, let me know.



  • Hello Aron,



    I want the VS:8080 not have the hard coded domain names but to use the host variable without the port number.


    Also the redirection is to http:(VS:80)





  • Hello Aron,



    I Checked the devcentral link and found update as "apply this iRule ONLY to the port 80 HTTP-only virtual server"


    The redirection irule requirement is from VS:8080 and not for VS:80




