Forum Discussion

Fasih_Ahmed_135's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 01, 2013

irule for maintenance page

I'm hosting a maintenance page on F5 using iFiles. I'm using an iRule that look at the pool member, and based on the logic, iRule is initiated. It works only if the pool members are down. I need an iRule that if the two hops down Apache is not responding (/home.html) then a maintenance page should execute.


Any help is greatly appreciate. Thanks Fasih


4 Replies

  • You could also create a pool for the application servers, apply an appropriate monitor, and then check the availability of this pool in your iRule. The pool wouldn't be tied to any VIP.


  • when /home.html is not responding properly, what response are you getting?


  • Scott_McCullo13's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    There is a similar question for this located here:



    • Fasih_Ahmed_135's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      It working fine when the pool member are done. But this rule does not work for a entire URI path. for example --- works ok --- this rule does not work for this. I get a server not responding error message