Hi Kevin,
This logic works for us and now we have tested below irule as per the requirement:
if { ( [HTTP::method] ne "POST" ) and ( [HTTP::uri] contains "*/Webresources.axd" ) }
HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]]"
} elseif { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::method] eq "POST" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/EPiServer.Forms/" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "?" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/api/" ) && \
not ([class match [string tolower [HTTP::path]] ends_with /DMZ/extensions])
} {
HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://[HTTP::host][string tolower [HTTP::uri]]/"
Now we have additional condition which needs to be complete: If trailing slash and upper case is present then it needs to be redirect to lower case with trailing slash
Example: www.abc.com/vgh-BT-grt/ needs to be redirect to www.abc.com/vgh-bt-grt/
Please help us to fulfil this requirement by modifying above mentioned irule.