Forum Discussion
Irule ending with trailing slash
Hi Kevin,
Thnk you very much for your reply. We have also created below irule ( with one more requirment --- If any letter in the URL contains upper case then redirect to a strict lower case version of the same URL):
if { [HTTP::uri] ne [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] } { HTTP::respond 301 noserver Location [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] }
if { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) and ! ([class match [string tolower [HTTP::path]] ends_with /DMZ/extensions]) and (! ([HTTP::uri] contains "/api/") or ! ([HTTP::uri] contains "/WebResource.axd") or !([HTTP::uri] contains "/EPiServer.Forms/") or !([HTTP::uri] contains "?") )} { HTTP::respond 307 Location "[HTTP::uri]/" }
In this irule we want to ignore all post method request which should not redirect, so let us know how we can achive this condition.
if { [HTTP::uri] ne [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] } {
HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][string tolower [HTTP::uri]]"
} elseif { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::method] eq "POST" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/Webresources.axd" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/EPiServer.Forms/" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "?" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/api/" ) } {
HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]/"
- Ambk25Nov 02, 2022
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for your response. We have tested this and fulfilling our requirement but only one problem.
We want to ignore all post method request which should not redirect for first condition i.e. upper to lower case redirection. That means all post methods should not convert to lower case and should not get trail slash. So let us know how we can achieve this condition in existing irule.
- Kevin_StewartNov 02, 2022
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ( [HTTP::method] ne "POST" ) and ( [HTTP::uri] ne [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] ) } { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][string tolower [HTTP::uri]]" } elseif { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) && \ not ( [HTTP::method] eq "POST" ) && \ not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/Webresources.axd" ) && \ not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/EPiServer.Forms/" ) && \ not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "?" ) && \ not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/api/" ) } { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]/" } }
- Ambk25Nov 15, 2022
Hi Kevin,
This logic works for us and now we have tested below irule as per the requirement:
if { ( [HTTP::method] ne "POST" ) and ( [HTTP::uri] contains "*/Webresources.axd" ) }
HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]]"} elseif { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::method] eq "POST" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/EPiServer.Forms/" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "?" ) && \
not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/api/" ) && \
not ([class match [string tolower [HTTP::path]] ends_with /DMZ/extensions])
} {
HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://[HTTP::host][string tolower [HTTP::uri]]/"
}Now we have additional condition which needs to be complete: If trailing slash and upper case is present then it needs to be redirect to lower case with trailing slash
Example: needs to be redirect to
Please help us to fulfil this requirement by modifying above mentioned irule.
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