Forum Discussion

Rick_110395's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 08, 2011

iRule behavior when pools are down

For this iRule what would happen if a connection was initiated to "", but srvpool1 is down. What would the iRule do with the connection?






if { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host1" } {


pool srvpool1


} elseif { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host2" } {


pool srvpool2


} elseif { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host3" } {


pool srvpool3


} elseif { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host4" } {


pool srvpool4


} else {


pool default-pool









  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Rick,



    TMM would send a TCP reset as if the iRule wasn't there and the default pool was down. If you want to check the status of the pool before assigning it, you can use active_members. Or you could use the LB_FAILED event to handle this after a load balancing failure occurs.






    You could also replace the if/elseif/else chain with a switch statement:




  • hello,





    You can handle this situation intelligently when this occurs.



    There could be 2 scenarios when pool is "down":




    1. All pool members are down [ health check failed ] or disabled manually or connection limit reaches - high demand


    2. Pool is emtpy [ yes you can have an empty pool in LTM :) ]



    In my opinion, your iRule will look like this:



    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host1" } {



    check if all members are down or disable then send to virtual waiting room that may send you back for retry


    if { [active_members srvpool1] == 0 } {


    HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"





    check if pool is empty, means maintenance is in progress


    if { ![members srvpool1] } {



    log local0. "Pool is empty" ;


    HTTP::redirect ""





    if all good then just proceed to the pool


    pool srvpool1



    } elseif { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host2" } {


    pool srvpool2


    } elseif { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host3" } {


    pool srvpool3


    } elseif { [HTTP::host] starts_with "host4" } {


    pool srvpool4


    } else {


    pool default-pool







    Hope it helps.