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132423nn_129997's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 03, 2013

iOS Receiver w/APM & StoreFront 1.2



I'm having some issues using APM as a replacement for Citrix Access Gateway.


I have followed the VDI 1.1.0RC2 deployment guide, and have a config that works in Safari, but not using native Receiver.


We're using two factor, domain and token (non-RSA).


I've manually created a Receiver profile using https:///Citrix//PNAgent/config.xml, which matches the Legacy Support URL in StoreFront. Other settings are Access Gateway, Enterprise Edition, Security Token = on, Domain + Security Token.


I get an error 'Could not Log On. The address given did not provide a valid App list...'.


I did a packet capture and I can see an initial GET to the full URL (/Citrix//PNAgent/config.xml) along with a 200 back but subsequent GETs use the default (/Citrix/PNAgent/config.xml), these will be 302d back to the correct URL, but are always followed by a POST to /Citrix/PNAgent/enum.aspx, which 404s.


I'm not sure if I am missing something to rewrite the contents of the config.xml file, or to manually specify it somewhere (or if my Receiver config is even correct!).


I have created an iRule Data Group as the doc indicates, using APM_Citrix_ConfigXML, with String = , Value = /Citrix//PNAgent/config/xml. This doesn't seem to influence the behaviour in any way. Note: the doco says to use the Store WEB URL as the value, which seems wrong to me, the config.xml path makes more sense..


Anyway, any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated, version info below, thanks!




iPad 2 6.1.3 Receiver 5.8.2 LTM/APM 11.4 HF3 Storefront


  • Hi,


    I am experiencing the same issue with Storefront 2.0. Access via the Web is working fine, as is the Windows Receiver. Cant seem to get the iPad receiver working though.


    Looking through the forum posts here, it has been suggested that in order for a data group to work, a 'stream' profile must be attached to the Virtual Server. I have tried that though, and it doesn't seem to make a difference.


  • Yes, we did identify this as an issue and are currently working on investigating and fixing it. As soon as we'll have an update, I will post it here - it should be very soon.


    • DaytonG_131489's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Any progress on this? We are running into the same issue and it is crippling us.
  • Yes, we did identify this as an issue and are currently working on investigating and fixing it. As soon as we'll have an update, I will post it here - it should be very soon.


    • DaytonG_131489's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Any progress on this? We are running into the same issue and it is crippling us.
  • Yes, good news, there issue has been identified and fixes produced. If you are experiencing an issue with APM 11.4.0 HF3, please open a support case and request an engineering Hotfix for BZ427743 and BZ417908. Please advise the support engineer that this hotfix has already been built and they need to escalate the case to make it available to you.


  • Which engineering HF are those available in? We installed Hotfix-BIGIP-11.4.0-HF3-2419.40-ENG yesterday and are still experiencing the issue. I'm curious to find out if this HF resolves the problem for anyone else.


  • Yes, that is the one. What exactly is the error that you're getting with iOS? Also, what did you us to configure your Citrix environment? Did you use the latest iApp?


    One thing I found out recently is that iOS client for some reason sense Accept-Encoding compression header, and if IIS is configured to process compression(it might) and sends compressed data in response to enum.aspx request, it will cause an error during account creation process. You can do a tcpdump to see if that's the issue on your end. if it is, you can add Accept-Encoding header to the list of headers to be removed in the HTTP profile assigned to your virtual, and it should solve that problem.


    regardless, tcpdump data should greatly help troubleshoot this further.


  • Hi Michael,


    I have opened a support ticket to request the HF as you suggested.


    To clarify, the correct configuration of the iRule data group would be Name = 'APM_Citrix_ConfigXML', String = VIP hostname e.g. '', Value = full PNAGent path e.g. '/Citrix//PNAgent/Config.xml'.


    Do we need a blank stream profile?


    Has the fix been tested with a specific iOS Receiver configuration?


    For example, should we be using the automatic setup, with either the base ( or full URI (, or a manual setup, specifying either of these formats, along with AG / Enterprise Edition types?




  • "To clarify, the correct configuration of the iRule data group would be Name = 'APM_Citrix_ConfigXML', String = VIP hostname e.g. '', Value = full PNAGent path e.g. '/Citrix//PNAgent/Config.xml'."




    "Do we need a blank stream profile?"




    "Has the fix been tested with a specific iOS Receiver configuration?


    For example, should we be using the automatic setup, with either the base ( or full URI (, or a manual setup, specifying either of these formats, along with AG / Enterprise Edition types?"


    Yes, iOS Receiver 5.8.2 has been tested with automatic setup configuration - just enter URL and the rest should be "magic". :)


  • Hi Michael,


    I've just installed and tested the hotfix. It works perfectly.


    Thanks very much. Happy to provide any further info or assistance to anyone who needs it.




  • As taken from my internal blog about "Citrix ICA Proxying (aka removing the requirement for a Citrix gateway on-site) v.1.1 (TMOS 11.4.1))


    2014-08-08: A year (almost) after last updating this.. there is a new step .. to support Storefront 2.0+ by default, "APM recognizes /Citrix/PNAgent/config.xml as the default URL that Citrix Receiver clients (iOS and Android) request. If your Citrix Receiver clients use a value that is different from /Citrix/PNAgent/config.xml, you must configure a data group so that APM can recognize it." ( Well we know that Storefront 2.0+ uses /Citrix/Store/PNAgent/config.xml so we need to add these into a special data-group that APM is hard coded to look for (yet interestingly is not auto created???) .


    modify ltm data-group internal APM_Citrix_ConfigXML { records add { { data /Citrix/Store/PNAgent/config.xml } } }