Forum Discussion

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Jul 07, 2020

Installation of fails

Hi All,


We have two customers which are trying to install on a partition prior to upgrade from But the installation fails right away with the following erros in /var/log/liveinstall.log


*** Live install start at 2020/07/06 18:08:23 ***

info: tm_install::BootLoader::BootLoader_mboot_sync_from_old_conf -- Configurations match.

info: Daemon-driven execution indicated by ENV variable.

info: Repository tm_install version/release is

info: System tm_install version/release is

info: Platform id is C117

/dev/sdd: No medium found

sfdisk: cannot open /dev/sdd for reading

info: Basic disk format validation passed.

info: >++++ result:

info: mount: /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.2._usr is already mounted or /mnt/tm_install/30655.GyI1Fy/usr busy

info:        /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.2._usr is already mounted on /usr

info:        /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.2._usr is already mounted on /opt/.sdm/usr

info:        /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.2._usr is already mounted on /opt/.sdm/lib

info:        /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.2._usr is already mounted on /opt/.sdm/lib64

info: >----

error: status 8192 returned by command: mount -oro  /dev/vg-db-sda/set.2._usr /mnt/tm_install/30655.GyI1Fy/usr 2>/dev/null

info: >++++ result:

info: umount: /mnt/tm_install/30655.GyI1Fy/shared: not mounted

info: >----

error: status 8192 returned by command: umount /mnt/tm_install/30655.GyI1Fy/shared

Terminal error: Could not access configuration source; sda, 2

*** Live install end at 2020/07/06 18:08:27: failed (return code 2) ***


I could not find anything related in the F5 knowledge base articles.


Customer already tried to delete an create a partition again, but this did not solve the issue.


Anyone else facing the same issue? Anyone has a solution?




6 Replies

  • Suffering exactly the same problem trying to install on Virtual Edition running


    Tried deleting and re-creating the volume, same problem. Checked and MD5 hash is fine, in fact i have been able to install a standalone test instance with (from without any issues.


    Tried re-installing which was on the volume orignally, and with that I now get the error "failed (Could not access license source; sda, 1 )"


    *** Live install start at 2020/07/07 18:09:08 ***

    info: Daemon-driven execution indicated by ENV variable.

    info: Repository tm_install version/release is

    info: System tm_install version/release is

    info: Platform id is Z100

    info: Basic disk format validation passed.

    error: status 8192 returned by command: mount -oro /dev/vg-db-vda/set.1._usr /mnt/tm_install/30190.WXdfNO/usr 2>/dev/null

    info: >++++ result:

    info: mount: /dev/mapper/vg--db--vda-set.1._usr is already mounted or /mnt/tm_install/30190.WXdfNO/usr busy

    info:       /dev/mapper/vg--db--vda-set.1._usr is already mounted on /usr

    info:       /dev/mapper/vg--db--vda-set.1._usr is already mounted on /opt/.sdm/usr

    info:       /dev/mapper/vg--db--vda-set.1._usr is already mounted on /opt/.sdm/lib

    info:       /dev/mapper/vg--db--vda-set.1._usr is already mounted on /opt/.sdm/lib64

    info: >----

    error: status 8192 returned by command: umount /mnt/tm_install/30190.WXdfNO/shared

    info: >++++ result:

    info: umount: /mnt/tm_install/30190.WXdfNO/shared: not mounted

    info: >----

    Terminal error: Could not access license source; sda, 1

    *** Live install end at 2020/07/07 18:09:09: failed (return code 2) ***