Forum Discussion

Steve_L_55365's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 27, 2013

iControl 11.3 not working with Java 1.5

The 11.3 Java iControl binary distribution is not working on my Java 1.5 system. I'm getting an error which reads "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: (iControl/Interfaces) bad major version at offset=6"


The 11.1 iControl.jar worked for me previously, but it seems as if the iControl.jar in the lib/JDK1.5 was built using java 1.6. Am I right, or is there something else going on?


  • The JDK1.5/iControl.jar looks like it's not the correct one. I'm rebuilding right now with 1.5 and will repost the download when it's done. I'll post a reply to this thread when it's available.


  • Ok, I got the build updated on DC. The binary package contains the 1.5 and 1.6 libs. The iControl.jar for 1.5 should be this:



    03/27/2013 01:03 PM 3,607,493 iControl.jar



    Here's the direct link to the download:





    Not sure what happened but the build packaging had a problem and that library was an older build.



    Thanks for the heads up and sorry for the mixup. Let me know if that library does or does not work.


