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IgorS_141493's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 28, 2017

iAPP vmware view (only ltm)



I'm trying to get the v1.5.1 iapp to work with our vmware connection servers. I've tried multiple setup's even with the virtual IP on the same subnet as the connection servers. We only have LTM enabled on our Big-IP


Little overview of the setup:


url with public certificate virtual ip: different subnet OR same subnet as the connection server. I switched the IP for this ssl offloading (also disabled the checkboxes on the vmware view connection server + edited the file)


For the rest is most likely the same


I've tried this only with the DNS host file on my pc to change the url towards the virtual i on big-ip


I'm not getting this to work.


Any Suggestions?


Kind regards, Igor


  • Check "Where will the virtual servers be in relation to the View servers?" part. Mine is set to "View servers do not have a route for clients..." which means SNAT Auto Map will be used.


  • Hi,


    Yes i've checked the firewall logs


    pcoip is open for the external clients towards the F5 Inside F5 he has a direct arm into the same vlan for the subnet from the connection server


    He has a routing vip made up for the desktop segment itself. Perhaps that route is maybe blocked. I could check this myself tomorrow


    Thanks already


  • If you have ltm only the PCOIP connection will be a direct connection between view client and desktop. When you are on internal network this works because you can route directly to the desktop from the client. When you are on external network you'll be unlikely to route directly to you internal desktop resources hence the black screen.




  • The black screen is quite often an indication of ports being blocked either to your VS (443/tcp, 4172/tcp/udp are needed), or between F5 and View servers (can't remember exact ports, but there are few).


  • Hi,


    We've been further after all. The webinterface is working


    html5 is working pcoip is not working completely


    If I'm on the internal network and connect towards the dns name (public ip) pcoip is working If I'm completely outsite network pcoip is not working. Black screen. I can't see any drops on the firewall the subnet is forwared for tcp as udp pcoip


    ps: in the iApp is only 1 subnet configurable where the desktops reside. Is there a possiblity to have multiple configured?


    kind regards