Forum Discussion
Hyper-V and Tagged VLANs
I have a very weird problem which I can't seem to resolve by myself.
I have a BIG-IP LTM up and running on HYPER-V with 4 virtual legacy interfaces.
The first legacy NIC is automatically assigned to MGMT.
The 2nd legacy NIC (1.1 on the BIG-IP) is untagged and I can ping the SELF-IP just fine.
The 3rd legacy NIC (1.2 on the BIG-IP) is also untagged and I can ping the SELF-IP just fine.
The 4th legacy NIC (1.3 on the BIG-IP) is tagged with two VLANs, the first VLAN tag is 1000 and the 2nd VLAN tag is 1100.
I have created a Self-IP per VLAN and for some very odd reason I can't ping the Self-IPs from there corresponding VLANs.
I have configured the NICs on the VMs settings to use tag 1000 and 1100 respectively and still ping fails.
What am I doing wrong?
Please help!
- JrMaster_47117NimbostratusI got this resolved.
- qe_102628Nimbostratusthere's a couple of things worth pointing out about Hyper-V deployments of BIG-IP VE:
- JrMaster_47117NimbostratusSo I'm back at the beginning...
- qe_102628Nimbostratus
It's a Hyper-V limitation that I've not found a way to work around. Passing tags from the guest into a virtual switch or onto the wire doesn't seem to function.
If you really need to pass tags from BIG-IP Virtual Edition, Xen and VMware support passing guest tags into virtual switch infrastructures.
- mkinder_158819Nimbostratus
No exactly... You can indeed use hyperV to do exactly as you wish...
Powershell as admin on host....
set-vmnetworkadaptervlan -trunk -allowedvlanidlist "222,250,263" -vmname f5ve001 -vmnetworkadaptername f5ve001 -nativevlanid 1
It works.
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