Forum Discussion

egarrison_17852's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 01, 2014

HTTPS iApp for IIS - without Offload

I am trying to use iApp Configuration on 11.2.0 to do SSL, but not SSL Offload. My app must be SSL back to the server or the application detects not SSL and is doing Redirect to https and causing loop.


I setup a new iApp and used an existing health monitor. Looking at the IIS log, the health monitor is traffic is hitting, but the real https requests are not even hitting the Web Server. I put the Virtual Server as port 443, then in the Pool, added the server with 443. I had to create the health monitor because it kept wanting to use a HTTP only, not HTTPS.


Server is IIS 8.5 (Windows 2012). The SSL Certificate are also installed on the BigIP, but not used in this config.


Am I going at this right? I also tried a Standard Virtual machine on 443, but never got traffic back either. I also have a Non-SSL iApp using the same Node, and there are no problems with port 80 traffic.


  • Hi, are you using the f5.http iApp template that came with BIG-IP v11.2? If so, you should download f5.http_backport from and reconfigure your iApp using the new template. The SSL choices in this template have been expanded and clarified (you shouldn't need to manually create a monitor, for example).




  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi, are you using the f5.http iApp template that came with BIG-IP v11.2? If so, you should download f5.http_backport from and reconfigure your iApp using the new template. The SSL choices in this template have been expanded and clarified (you shouldn't need to manually create a monitor, for example).




  • That backport template is complex but really good. The number of options really helps. I see 2 other areas I can use it. Mike - Thank you.


    iApps have been a great improvement to the BigIP products (in my opinion).