Forum Discussion
HTTP::respond and header request modifications
Hey everyone.
Trying to federate AWS S3 and an on premises S3 compliant storage box with iRules/iRulesLX. The calling client connecting to the BigIP will by default have the access key and secret key of the on premises S3 storage, but using the javascript aws-sdk with iRulesLX and determining that the object is in AWS S3 (HEAD request) I generate a new signature for AWS S3 and respond to iRules with that information.
I use the signature with an HTTP::respond as such:
HTTP::respond 302 noserver Location "$host" Authorization "$authorization" X-Amz-Date "$xamzdate" X-Amz-Content-Sha256 "$xamzcontentsha256"
Problem I am seeing is that it does not appear that the HTTP::respond action with the headers is actually modifying the headers (Authorization, X-Amz-Date etc.) request during the 302. I get back a HTTP 403 with
InvalidAccessKeyId: The Access Key ID you provided does not exist in our records.
Looking at the client response, I see the raw request still has the Authentication string for the on premises S3 storage.
Am I going about this wrong? Still new to iRules and the F5. Thanks for the help!
- Simon_BlakelyEmployee
Without seeing the (sanitized) irule it is hard to say what might be going on.
Add some logging statements so you can track the path through the irule, to validate any decision logic.
- mblachford_3582Nimbostratus
Good points on seeing the sanitized iRule. I don't think there is anything proprietary. Here it is (the relevant bit is in the GET case under when HTTP_REQUEST. iRulesLX returns an array of data that we want to HTTP::respond with)
when RULE_INIT { set static::debug 0 } proc logger { mthd httpc msg } { switch -exact -- $mthd { request { if { $static::debug != 0 } { log -noname local0.debug "=START HTTP REQUEST==============================" log -noname local0.debug "Client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [HTTP::method] [HTTP::host] [HTTP::uri]" foreach reqHeader [HTTP::header names] { log -noname local0.debug "$reqHeader: [HTTP::header value $reqHeader]" } log -noname local0.debug "=END HTTP REQUEST===============================" } else { log -noname "Client [IP::client_addr] -> [HTTP::method] [HTTP::host] [HTTP::uri] (HTTP REQUEST)" log -noname $msg } } response { if { $static::debug != 0 } { log -noname local0.debug "=START HTTP RESPONSE==============================" log -noname local0.debug "HTTP RESPONSE - status: $httpc" foreach resHeader $msg { set key [ getfield $resHeader "|" 1] set value [ getfield $resHeader "|" 2] log -noname local0.debug "$key: $value" } log -noname local0.debug "=END HTTP RESPONSE==============================" } else { log -noname "HTTP RESPONSE - status: $httpc" } } default { log -noname "$msg" } } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set rpc_handle [ILX::init syncp-plugin syncp-extension] switch [HTTP::method] { HEAD { if {[ catch {ILX::call $rpc_handle -timeout 12000 "syncp_http_head_req" [HTTP::method] [HTTP::uri] } result ]} { call logger request null "ILX syncp_http_head_req timeout. Reason: $result" } call logger request null null set httpresponse [ lindex $result 0 ] set httpheaders [ lindex $result 1 ] set httpcontent [ lindex $result 2 ] if { [string length $httpcontent] == 0 } { set stringtoeval "HTTP::respond $httpresponse -version auto noserver" } else { set stringtoeval "HTTP::respond $httpresponse -version auto content {$httpcontent} noserver" } foreach hdrs $httpheaders { set key [ getfield $hdrs "|" 1] set value [ getfield $hdrs "|" 2] append stringtoeval " {$key} {$value} " } call logger response $httpresponse $httpheaders eval $stringtoeval } GET { if {[ catch {ILX::call $rpc_handle -timeout 12000 "syncp_http_get_req" [HTTP::method] [HTTP::uri] } result ]} { call logger request null "ILX syncp_http_get_req timeout. Reason: $result" } call logger request null null set host [ lindex $result 0 ] set xamzcontentsha256 [ lindex $result 1 ] set xamzdate [ lindex $result 2 ] set authorization [ lindex $result 3 ] HTTP::respond 302 noserver Location "$host" Authorization "$authorization" X-Amz-Date "$xamzdate" X-Amz-Content-Sha256 "$xamzcontentsha256" } PUT { if {[ catch {ILX::call $rpc_handle -timeout 12000 "syncp_http_put_req" [HTTP::method] [HTTP::uri] } result ]} { call logger request null "ILX syncp_http_put_req timeout. Reason: $result" } call logger request null null } DELETE { if {[ catch {ILX::call $rpc_handle -timeout 12000 "syncp_http_delete_req" [HTTP::method] [HTTP::uri] } result ]} { call logger request "ILX syncp_http_delete_req timeout. Reason: $result" } call logger request null null } } }
- Simon_BlakelyEmployee
Well, first log $host and the other variables to ensure that you are getting the appropriate values out of the irulesLX -
Use the Browser Network tools to track the REQUEST/RESPONSE path.
Make sure no other attached irule is generating a HTTP::redirect/response
- mblachford_3582Nimbostratus
Little about the environment. Its a VE setup on my local machine in ESX for development purposes. The initial request to the BigIP with the creds for the local S3 storage is as follows (just a sample from the logs today):
May 30 03:17:31 bigip01 info tmm[1929]: Rule /Common/syncp-plugin/syncp-irule : GET /testbucket1/shot.png HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: aws-sdk-nodejs/2.229.1 darwin/v8.7.0 callback X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c89AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPP Content-Length: 0 Host: X-Amz-Date: 20180530T031731Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=1316923@ecstd.emc.local/20180530/us-west-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=3cd6b5f4159cff60c601c2491722096d68a7aec5390bf663291bb0997fc6a1dc Connection: close
Return values printed as requested via iRules. I am returning these in a list from iRulesLX:
set host [ lindex $result 0 ] set xamzcontentsha256 [ lindex $result 1 ] set xamzdate [ lindex $result 2 ] set authorization [ lindex $result 3 ] log local0. "HOST: $host" log local0. "X-Amz-Content-Sha256: $xamzcontentsha256" log local0. "X-Amz-Date: $xamzdate" log local0. "Authorization: $authorization" May 31 00:14:21 bigip01 info tmm[1929]: Rule /Common/syncp-plugin/syncp-irule : HOST: May 31 00:14:21 bigip01 info tmm[1929]: Rule /Common/syncp-plugin/syncp-irule : X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 May 31 00:14:21 bigip01 info tmm[1929]: Rule /Common/syncp-plugin/syncp-irule : X-Amz-Date: 20180531T001421Z May 31 00:14:21 bigip01 info tmm[1929]: Rule /Common/syncp-plugin/syncp-irule : Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=n9pzu5kt6nggeneric/20180531/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=3a0ad3e459c338b362a5e7dec941319f9d207d725b7fbcedcdf88efad059b9ef
- mblachford_3582Nimbostratus
Oh, and by the way the client side here is nodejs with the AWS SDK for testing purposes from the console on my mac.
- Simon_BlakelyEmployee
So the 302 response from your irule has an incorrectly formatted Location header with no protocol or URI, as I mentioned earlier.
Your new location header should be
HTTP::respond 302 noserver Location "https://$host[HTTP::uri]" Authorization "$authorization" X-Amz-Date "$xamzdate" X-Amz-Content-Sha256 "$xamzcontentsha256"
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