Forum Discussion

Jonas_Kohn_3608's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 15, 2018

http2 from F5 to backend servers / pool nodes

We've configured some Virtual Server with a new http2 profile, and it accepts http2 requests correctly.   But it seems that the requests that are forwarded to the configured pool members are not u...
  • AceDawg_204810's avatar
    Jun 16, 2018

    It appears the functionality you are trying to implement may not be supported yet. The excerpt below was pulled from the following support page:



    Important: The BIG-IP system supports HTTP/2 for client-side connections only. This means that when a client that supports HTTP/2 connects to a virtual server that has an HTTP/2 profile assigned to it, the resulting server-side traffic (such as traffic sent to pool members) is sent over HTTP/1.1.