Forum Discussion

slesh_219299's avatar
Dec 02, 2015

http to https redirection issue .

Hello guys I got fast question probably I have 2 vips : https with pool members : 443 http + i rule but someone attached there pool with members on port 80




when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]


} ........................


Customer was trying to connect via https vip but it was not working - from my experience it was nonsense so i removed pool http from http VIP and it started to work . I am not sure why , Vips were set with very standard options profile http and https + auto map


Thank you for replay in advance


    • nathe's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      yes, against the answer above.
  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Are you saying you've got 1 HTTPs vip with pool members listening on port 443, and 1 HTTP vip with a redirect irule and a pool with pool members listening on port 80? If so then the pool attached to the HTTP vip should not matter at all, a connection to this vip will simply get redirect to the https vip.


    I'd concentrate on the https vip. Are you offloading the SSL connection i.e. do you have a client ssl profile? Are you re-encrypting the SSL connection i.e. do you have a server ssl profile? If your pool members are on 443 then you either you need to both decrypt/re-encrypt or do neither. Also, if you do not have a clientssl profile then i would not add a http profile to the https vip - this does cause issues as the ltm can't see the http traffic as its encrypted.


    Hope this helps,




  • Vik_K_236702's avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    Your question is not clear. Can you elaborate a little on which VIP has what pool and irule is applied where ?


    Can you also give the exact irule , you using .


    Regards, Vikram (Vik)