Forum Discussion

MattC_58842's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 29, 2011

HTTP redirect ?

Today I have a I-rule that has 1 URL redirect , im trying to figure out how to add multiple lines in this i-rule.






if { [HTTP::host] contains ""} {


HTTP::redirect ""


} else {


pool wdc-docorpws-5000









Now i want to add more urls and im not sure of the syntax



Want to add these to current I-rule



We'd like: to point to:




And to point to:



  • Hi MattC,

    You can use a switch statement. Try this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
    "*" { HTTP::redirect "" }
    "*" { HTTP::redirect "" }
    "*" { HTTP::redirect "" }
    default {
    pool wdc-docorpws-5000

    Just wanted to point out that according to the RFC Standards, the [HTTP::host] value should be case insensitive, but performing a string tolower anyway catches all compliant and non-compliant browsers.

    Hope this helps.