Forum Discussion

Terry_Pike's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 28, 2012

HTTP healthcheck with simply a send string of GET

Been trawling ask F5 but cannot find the answer to a basic question, any advice is appreciated:



When using an HTTP healthcheck with simply a send string of GET / and with no receive string, what would the BigIP-LTM take to be a ‘good’ response from the app server?



I am guessing that it will look for some HTTP response, and would like to think that it has to be a ‘good’ code, e.g. 200, 302 to mark the node UP



I am hoping that if it gets a 4xx or 5xx HTTP return code that it marks the node DOWN



Just need this confirmed - does anyone know ?



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Terry,



    with no receive string, what would the BigIP-LTM take to be a ‘good’ response from the app server



    Any TCP data will be considered a success. This is why it's a bad idea to not use a receive string. It would be more ideal to look for a 2xx or 3xx response. To do that you could use a receive string of:



    HTTP/1\.(0|1) (2|3)


