Forum Discussion

raghuprasad_gun's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 28, 2017

How-to:Disaster Recovery Procedure on cross hardware platforms.

How to prepare the Configuration for disaster recovery on cross hardware platform of F5-LTM?


  • Schedule the cron Job to take F5 backup regularly & save on different location. Follow the link


    Let us know if any thing else you need.


    • raghuprasad_gun's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      How can I automate the backup and restoration procedures to avoid manual interventions?


  • See code share Complete F5 Automated Backup Solution (v11.x) or Complete F5 Automated Backup Solution 2 (v12.x) (I have not looked at 2 yet but updated to support CIFS as SMB support removed in v12)


    These are iApps that deploy iCall scripts that automatically perform UCS backups and can save them off to remote storage using one of the following:


    • SCP
    • SFTP
    • FTP
    • SMB/CIFS

    Can save locally as well. I have used the original iApp in a few none production F5 environments and once in a production environment and never had any issue with them.