Forum Discussion
how to get a list of all the SNAT pools or snat-translation or automap details assosiated to all the vips in a partiton other than /Common, i am not finding any such comand or grep command.
I tried following but none of them are working or no output
list ltm virtual all-properties | grep -i -e source-address-translation
show ltm virtual all-properties detail | grep -i -e 'LTM\|Destination'
show ltm virtual all-properties detail | grep -i -e 'LTM\|Destination'
list ltm virtual all-properties | grep -i -e 'LTM\|source-address-translation'
list ltm virtual all-properties one-line | grep -E "LTM\|pool|Destination|source-address-translation"
list ltm virtual one-line | grep -E "LTM\|pool|Destination|SNAT_POOl_NAME"
list ltm virtual one-line | grep "pool SNAT_POOL_NAME" | awk '{print $3}'
- whispererNov 15, 2023MVP
Other than common? Use TMSH GUI and cd into partition. By default, you will only get list from /Common. So... tmsh; cd /partition_name; your list commands.