Forum Discussion

Ali_Hyder's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 28, 2019

How to get the list of VIP Name, IP & Its Client SSL profile using Python SDK?

I am trying to get a list of Client SSL Profile configured to each VIP using Python SDK. I could able to gather information upto VIP name and IP, but looks like getting SSL profile attached to is not straight forward.


I need to do this using script as i have nearly 40+ Load Balancers with nearly 100 VIPs in each.


from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot

import getpass


user = input("Username:")

password = getpass.getpass("Password:")

f5_ip = ''

partition = 'Common'


mgmt = ManagementRoot(f5_ip, user, password)

ltm =

for virtual in virtuals:

print("VS {} IP {} Profile {}".format(, virtual.destination, virtual.profilesReference)



ltm virtual ABC_VIP_443 {


  ip-protocol tcp


  pool ABC_Pool_8443

  profiles {

    serverssl {

      context serverside


    wild_ABC_com {

      context clientside




  • Hi Ali,

    from f5.bigip import ManagementRoot
    import getpass
    user = input("Username:")
    password = getpass.getpass("Password:")
    f5_ip = ""
    mgmt = ManagementRoot(f5_ip, user, password)
    virtuals =
    for virtual in virtuals:
        client_ssl = "None"
        for profile in virtual.profiles_s.get_collection():
            if profile.context == "clientside":
                client_ssl =
        print("VS {} IP {} Profile {}".format(, virtual.destination, client_ssl))