Forum Discussion

thunderbird_920's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 16, 2011

How to direct the user to another virtual server if the existing virtual server is down by using irule?





How to direct the user to another virtual server if the existing virtual server is down by using irule? If the existing virtual server has a valid fqdn name, for E.g and the other virtual server doesn't have fqdn name but only the ip, can it be done? Please kindly show me the example.
  • Hi Thunderbird,

    In a typical situation here is the following

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
                if the members within the pool drop below 1 active member then process my next request
      if { [active_members http_pool] < 1 } {
                    Send request to a new virtual server
                     virtual my_post_processing_server

    This only works if the both the existing and the other virtual server is on the LTM

    I hope this helps
