Forum Discussion

Tiaan_92076's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 18, 2009

How to determine last segment in reaseembled TCP packet

I need to detach the load balancing decision after a transaction is completed on a member in the pool. The transaction occasionally spans multiple TCP segments causing the SERVER_DATA event to be raised more than once for the same transaction. With "LB::detach" in the "SERVER_DATA" event the transaction fails when this happens.

Implementing the "if" statement to check if the payload ends with a certain string and then calling "TCP::notify response" to run "LB::detach" in the "USER_RESPONSE" event solves the problem. Example below from the documentation.

  when SERVER_DATA {  
     log local0.debug "Received SERVER response ... [TCP::payload]"  
     if { [TCP::payload] ends_with $EOT } {  
        TCP::notify response  
  when USER_RESPONSE {  
     log local0.debug "Detaches server connection ... "  
     if {[TCP::payload length] > 0} {  
         Process additional client requests here ...  

Can the same be done without checking the payload ? Possibly an event fired when the last segment is received ? I could not find this in the documentation though.

  • Thank you. Should the "Last message repeated n times" not be logged when messages are suppressed ? It's not logged in this case.
  • You should see that log message if syslog-ng is suppressing log messages. It looks like TMM also does this. Here is an example message from /var/log/ltm:



    Feb 24 04:30:49 local/tmm info tmm[2630]: 01200004:6: Per-invocation log rate exceeded; throttling.



    SOL10524: Error Message: Per-invocation log rate exceeded




    Do you see any similar log message when you don't see the iRule logging?



  • I don't see any messages other than the messages logged by the iRule. The system is not being used for anything other than my iRule testing at the moment.
  • As a test, you could try making each log message unique with a global counter. I wouldn't suggest using this in production as it's unnecessary overhead.

     when SERVER_DATA { 
        if {[info exists ::counter]}{ 
           incr ::counter 
        } else { 
           set ::counter 1 
        log -noname local0. "iRule: Received Server Data $::counter" 

    You might also try removing the -noname flag and see if that has any effect.

  • Tested with the global counter, the log message increments correctly.

    Feb 24 15:16:58 local/tmm info tmm[2253]: iRule: Received Server Data 45

    Feb 24 15:16:58 local/tmm info tmm[2253]: iRule: Received Server Data 46

    Feb 24 15:16:58 local/tmm info tmm[2253]: iRule: Received Server Data 47

    Feb 24 15:16:59 local/tmm info tmm[2253]: iRule: Received Server Data 48

    Feb 24 15:17:00 local/tmm info tmm[2253]: iRule: Received Server Data 49

    I then wrote the XML received in the packet to the log from SERVER_DATA.

         set payload [TCP::payload]  
         set xml [string range $payload [string first      log -noname local0. "iRule: $xml" 

    Although my client get the XML returned, the XML is not logged. So it looks like the SERVER_DATA event is not fired.
  • If you combine the XML payload logging with the global counter do you see the XML logged?



  • Yes, but it's either both the global counter message and XML logged or nothing logged at all. Ie, it looks like the SERVER_DATA event is not fired.
  • If all you're changing is the string being logged, I'd say this is a problem with the logging being suppressed--not with the iRule events triggering. You could open a case with F5 Support to get help troubleshooting this.


