Forum Discussion

SP's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 31, 2019

How to configure "PEM GY interface"


i have been searching for how to configure "PEM GY interface" .i configured below in "profile of subscriber management"

pem profile diameter-endpoint Gy_endpoint {

  defaults-from diameter-endpoint

  destination-host none

  destination-realm OCS

  fatal-grace-time {

    time 500


  msg-max-retransmits 2

  msg-retransmit-delay 1500



  product-name BIG-IP

  supported-apps { Gy }


is the configuration correct? any other configuration required for " PEM GY interface"?Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  • what i see look pretty similar to the documentation:


    i assume something is not working or are you just double checking?

    • SP's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      I want to know about Configuration needed for PEM GY configuration.The above commands i got in a document,not sure what are configuration needed for PEM GY to work .It will be great if you can help me

      • got no direct experience, might be wise to reach out to your local F5 team and see if a partner with experience in this can assist.