How to configure F5 as a reverse proxy
Hi All,
I am pretty much new in F5 LTM. Currently I am working in a project where client wants to deploy F5 as a reverse proxy. It is band new F5 and has to configure anything till yet. Client has two application servers which are hosted inside their network. Currently they are accessing the application internally. Now they want to access the application from internet. Also note that two application servers are providing different service and IP address of these two servers are different. In this case, F5 will not perform any load balancing among the two servers. As for example, public URL is will map to server 1 and will map to server 2. If I follow the below F5 documentation, it will work or do i need to configure iRule.
Here is the IP address planning:
External IP : public IP address
Internal IP : private IP address
Management IP : private IP address.
Also the above F5 documentation for HTTP traffic but in my case it is HTTPS. How do I configure it for HTTPS? Also please suggest me if there is any other method to deploy this solution?