Hi Dean,
That's a very useful document for people new to F5 web app monitoring. If you're interested, you could create an article on Devcentral documenting what you found.
I have one small suggestion. I'd change your recommendation for 'GET /F5Monitor.aspx\r\n' to 'GET /F5Monitor.aspx HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: \r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n'. From 10.2.0 on, the monitoring daemon, bigd, no longer appends any \r\n's to the send string for HTTP, HTTPS or TCP monitors. See SOL10655 for details:
SOL10655: Change in Behavior: CR/LF characters appended to the HTTP monitor Send string
I've also update the HTTP version to 1.1 and included a blank host header and connection close header. The host header is required for HTTP 1.1. The connection close header tells the server that LTM isn't going to reuse the TCP connection.