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esexon_27963's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 19, 2012

Help with IRule

Hello again.



I am having issues with my iRule.




Running code BIG-IP 10.2.1 Build 297.0 Final












if { not ([matchclass [IP::client_addr] equals $::SS_CMS_Nets]) and ([matchclass [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains $::SS_CMS_URLs]) } {


HTTP::redirect ""


























What I am trying to achieve is to only allow requests to to be served to clients coming from the subnet. All other clients need to be redirected back to




So far all that happens is all clients irrespective of IP address get directed back to




Can someone please help figure out what I am doing wrong here?



Many thanks in advance,






  • Hi esexon,

    You could change your logic a little bit and save yourself some unnecessary processing.

    Only trigger the verification if the URI contains "cms-admin". If it does, then check to see if they are authorized.

    Here are two different ways of doing it....

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
    if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/cms-admin" } {
    If URI matches verify that the Client has access
    if { !([class match [IP::client_addr] equals AllowedNetworkList ]) } {
    If they do NOT have access, do this:
    HTTP::redirect ""
    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
    if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/cms-admin" } {
    If URI matches verify that the Client has access
    if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals BlockNetworkList] } {
    If they DO have access, do this:
    HTTP::redirect ""

    Hope this helps.
  • Oh,



    In v10.x.x you should start to use "class match" instead of the v9.x.x command "matchclass".



    You can ignore the "BlockedNetworkList" Data Group Name in the second example (that is the name of the Data Group that I reused on my system and I forgot to rename it to correspond to the first example....tired to correct it but it wouldn't let me).
  • Hi, makes sense but for some reason it still doesn't work.



    It always redirects me even though my machine is one of the AllowedNetworksList IP Addresses instead of sening me to "/cms-admin"



    Is there anything else I can try,



    Thanks again for the quick reply.
  • This is the rule I have in place.




    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] contains "/cms-admin" } {


    If URI matches verify that the Client has access


    if { not [class match [IP::client_addr] equals AllowedNetworkList] } {


    If they DO Not have access, do this:


    HTTP::redirect "/"










    No matter what I do it redirects all client addresses back to the / and seems to ignore my AllowedNetworkList.



    Pulling my hair out here so would appreciate any feedback



    Many thanks,

