Forum Discussion
Jan 21, 2012Help need to create a irule for limit Client Connection
Can anyone help us to create a irule to limit number of client connection hitting to Virtual server , I got the same irule scenario in Dev central site for (iRule.Limit Connection from C...
Jan 24, 2012Hi Aaron/Thomas,
Thanks for you support.
I have configured the Irule and tested , its working fine .
Provided Irule wil block all Tcp connection , but i m looking for http/s request per client connection and i got the irule which match our requirement and tested its working , below is the Irule FYI
when RULE_INIT {
this is the life timer of the subtable object. defines how long this object exist in the subtable
set static::maxRate 10
This defines how long is the sliding window to count the requests. This example allows 10 requests in 3 seconds
set static::windowSecs 3
set static::timeout 30
if { [HTTP::method] eq "GET" } {
set getCount [table key -count -subtable [IP::client_addr]]
log local0. "getCount=$getCount"
if { $getCount < $static::maxRate } {
incr getCount 1
table set -subtable [IP::client_addr] $getCount "ignore" $static::timeout $static::windowSecs
} else {
log local0. "This user $user has exceeded the number of requests allowed. "
HTTP::respond 501 content "Request blockedExceeded requests/sec limit."
can u help me to chnage this irule base on different connection limit for each client by using data group,
Appreciate your support on this
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