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Ron79_145050's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 21, 2014

HASH Carp Persistence

Hi guys,


I've just configured HASH persistence using CARP Algorithm, as describe in this document:


I've defined a persistence profile with this options:


Hash Algorithm: CARP


iRule: Select the iRule you created which contains the persist hash command.


Timeout: 0 seconds


This is the iRule:


when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { persist carp [IP::client_addr] }


This Persistence Profile has been applied in a Virtual Server type "Performance Layer (L4)" port UDP.


I've noticed something strange, active connections has increased around 35-40%, is this normal?, using this algorithm active connections have to be higher?


Thanks for your help, Ron


  • So will the connection time out after 5 mins if a default tcp profile is applied or will the connection continue to persist to the same server

    connection will be reset. anyway, if a new connection is coming and the persistence record is not timeout yet, it will be sent to the same server as long as it matches the persistence record.

    • Protocol profile idle timeouts (if the Reset On Timeout setting is enabled)
    The BIG-IP system tracks connection flows by adding an entry to the connection table. When the connection flow becomes idle, the BIG-IP system starts a timer and closes the connection with a TCP RST packet when the connection reaches the idle session timeout. The TCP RST packet is sent on the client and server side of the connection, and the source IP address of the reset is the relevant virtual server IP address.

    sol9812: Overview of BIG-IP TCP RST behavior
  • Anesh's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Thanks Nitass,


    "i understand persistence tells what server bigip has to send traffic to. then connection entry will be created in connection table. persistence does nothing on the entry in the connection table."


    So will the connection time out after 5 mins if a default tcp profile is applied or will the connection continue to persist to the same server


  • Q1 Can you use this iRule along with Hash persistance for SSL passthrough VIP.


    if you persist on layer 4 data such as client ip, it should be okay.


    Q2 FRom what i understand CARP will have no time out value and will keep the session open as long as the client keeps the session open, Am i correct?


    i understand persistence tells what server bigip has to send traffic to. then connection entry will be created in connection table. persistence does nothing on the entry in the connection table.


  • Anesh's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Two Questions Q1Can you use this iRule along with Hash persistance for SSL passthrough VIP. Q2.FRom what i understand CARP will have no time out value and will keep the session open as long as the client keeps the session open, Am i correct?


  • I've noticed something strange, active connections has increased around 35-40%, is this normal?, using this algorithm active connections have to be higher?


    i do not think persistence relates to number of active connections.


  • I've noticed something strange, active connections has increased around 35-40%, is this normal?, using this algorithm active connections have to be higher?


    i do not think persistence relates to number of active connections.