Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Mar 20, 2013

ha with mgmt address

Hi everybody



I'm using v.9.3.1 and have a problem when sync (from this )



so can I set mgmt address and mgmt peer address in HA menu (Instead primary self address and peer address)



Thank you in advance


  • is it configsync address or network failover address?



    if configsync, i do not think it is allowed to use management ip.



    Defining the ConfigSync addresses for a high availability pair is an optional configuration element. If you have configured network mirroring addresses, the BIG-IP system performs ConfigSync operations using the mirroring addresses. In BIG-IP versions 9.4.2 through 10.x, you can define explicit IP addresses for ConfigSync traffic. This step provides the advantage of separating mirroring traffic from ConfigSync traffic.


    In most versions of the BIG-IP system, you must configure the mirroring IP address using a non-floating self IP address, as opposed to the management IP address. In BIG-IP 9.1.2, 9.2.x, 9.4.x, and 10.x, the BIG-IP system prohibits you from configuring the management IP address as the mirroring address.


    sol11736: Defining network resources for BIG-IP high availability features (9.x - 10.x)



  • i thought it wasn't allowde to use the mgmt for syncing but you can, at least until v10.
  • i thought it wasn't allowde to use the mgmt for syncing but you can, at least until v10.thanks. by the way, i just knew it is possible in 11.x as well.



    ConfigSync and device clustering recommendations



    • Configure the ConfigSync address to use a self IP address the internal VLAN, or dedicated HA VLAN.


    • Avoid using the mgmt interface for ConfigSync/device service traffic.



    By default, the management address is not available for ConfigSync/device clustering communication. It is possible to configure the BIG-IP system to use the management IP address to accommodate device group communication and synchronization by enabling the configsync.allowmanagement db variable. However, F5 recommends using the self IP address the internal VLAN for ConfigSync traffic.sol14135: Defining network resources for BIG-IP high availability features (11.x)