Apr 07, 2012Nimbostratus
GTM Upgrade FAIL - DC Links & ICMP Monitors
We upgraded a HA LTM pair from 10.2.0HF2 to 10.2.3HF1 without issue. Then we attempted to update a single GTM using the same code trains. However, when the GTM was on 10.2.3HF1, it would mark down the WideIP's associated with the LTM HA pair after the 90 second timeout. The only monitor was the default bigip monitor on the LTM HA Pair. Rolling back to 10.2.0 fixed the problem.
We tried re-doing the bigip_add on all 3 sides and validating communication with iqdump, although I'm not sure how to make sure the iqdump messages were valid or not. Regardless, that didn't fix it.
The thing is VS discovery is not enabled due to NAT. So I am wondering if there was a bug introduced somewhere after 10.2.0HF2 that was not or is not corrected relating to GTM BIGIP monitors and NAT. Does anyone have any ideas?
UPDATE See my 2nd post in this thread. DC Link & gateway ICMP monitors are to blame but still no idea why. They are not sending traffic on 2 of 3 on 10.2.0 and when upgraded to 10.2.3, the 3rd stopped sending out pings as well...?!