Forum Discussion
GTM Upgrade FAIL - DC Links & ICMP Monitors
We tried re-doing the bigip_add on all 3 sides and validating communication with iqdump, although I'm not sure how to make sure the iqdump messages were valid or not. Regardless, that didn't fix it.
The thing is VS discovery is not enabled due to NAT. So I am wondering if there was a bug introduced somewhere after 10.2.0HF2 that was not or is not corrected relating to GTM BIGIP monitors and NAT. Does anyone have any ideas?
UPDATE See my 2nd post in this thread. DC Link & gateway ICMP monitors are to blame but still no idea why. They are not sending traffic on 2 of 3 on 10.2.0 and when upgraded to 10.2.3, the 3rd stopped sending out pings as well...?!
- smp_86112CirrostratusWe are fairly close in code levels, so I find this an interesting post. But they are not exactly the same - our GTMs run 10.2.2HF1. I did recently upgrade one LTM pair from 10.2.0 to 10.2.3HF1, but I didn't have any trouble with LTM/GTM communication.
- brad_11440NimbostratusThanks for the response. I came here yesterday to post an update but got side tracked.
- smp_86112CirrostratusSo no monitor traffic, eh? That's a tough one to diagnose without knowing more about your environment. A couple things come to mind:
- brad_11440NimbostratusThere are only two interfaces configured as a "trunk", so if it was a problem with the interface I would expect the one working monitor (of 3 total) would go down, or the rest of the bigip monitor's going to the LTM pair within the data center. Again, 10.2.3, all 3 data center links went down. Immediately from booting to 10.2.0, the one working monitor was fine again but the other two are still down. With zero traffic trying to go out. I agree it seems unlikely but there have been weirder bugs across all vendors in the networking space, and I have seen them first hand.
- Ferg_104721NimbostratusI was wondering if this ever had a resolution. I have a simlar situation but am having an issue with V10.2 to V11.3. I have two GTMs monitoring two DC's, one of my monitors is not talking to a DC but the other GTM can talk to it. I can see the ICMP hitting the the moinitoring IP but the GTM marks the DC as down.
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