Forum Discussion

dhsmith_116072's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 13, 2013

GTM DNS reverse zone for SUBNET of an IP range - can't create the legal zone name

ISP's can provide a subnetted chunk of addresses and they delegate the reverse lookups (for PTR records necessary for things like mail exchangers to work in the world) with an extended zone name desc...
  • Vernon_97235's avatar
    Dec 18, 2013

    If you look carefully, the error is in the NS record that you attempted to create. I'm guessing you used ZoneRunner to create the zone but didn't terminate the "Name Server" entry with a dot; thus, it wrote it to the zone file in that way (and in BIND zones, without the trailing dot, $ORIGIN is appended). So, you likely entered and it expanded it to

    I was able to create a zone with a slash and populate it with PTR entries:

      dig @ 129.128/ ptr
     [ ... ]
     ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 19206
     ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
     [ ... ]
     129.128/ 86400 IN PTR     host1.B.domain.
     128/ 86400 IN   NS

    I needed to rename the db file, changing the slash to something else (I chose a dash), but this doesn't affect the zone definition. This was done on 11.4.1. I mention this because the underlying BIND version varies between BIG-IP software versions. 'check-names', which is throwing your error above, is a BIND application, so depending on your BIG-IP software version, your mileage may vary.