Forum Discussion

John_45587's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 27, 2017

generic host monitoring in GTM

a GTM configuration question:


I need to configure a wide ip as roundrobin between two generic hosts. The major objective is once one host failed and then only respond the DNS query using another available host.


However, it looks GTM cannot monitor the generic hosts (pingable/reachable from the GTM tmsh).


Could you please help?


Thank you very much.


  • If your requirement is - "The major objective is once one host failed and then only respond the DNS query using another available host."

    This means the second member in the pool should not be taking traffic unless the primary member goes down. This is achieved with Global Availability load balancing method.

    Round Robin distributes traffic to both the members.

    When you say - "it looks GTM cannot monitor the generic hosts (pingable/reachable from the GTM tmsh)."

    Are you stating the members are always marked down, what is the monitor configured for the members.

    Can you try something with below and see how it works,

    Creating servers
    create gtm server datacenter "USA" monitor tcp_half_open addresses add { } product generic-host virtual-servers add { 10_10_10_10_80 { destination monitor tcp_half_open } }
    create gtm server datacenter "USA" monitor tcp_half_open addresses add { } product generic-host virtual-servers add { 20_20_20_20_80 { destination monitor tcp_half_open } }
    Creating pool
    create gtm pool gtm_pool load-balancing-mode global-availability verify-member-availability enabled ttl 30 members add { { order 0 } 20_20_20_20_80 { order 1} }
    Creating new wideip -
    create gtm wideip ipv6-no-error-response enabled pools add { gtm_pool }