Forum Discussion

N__197982's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 04, 2017

forwarding requests to APM based on URI.

Folks, We are trying to forwarding requests to APM based on URI. If the F5 sees something like /support and /helpdesk in the URI it should forward the http request to the APM engine. If not, simply forward it to the pool.


Thanks!! N.


4 Replies

  • Hi Guy,

    Use this iRule :
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
            Check the requested HTTP uri
           switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
                  "/support*" -
                  "/helpdesk*" {
                          Disable APM for these uri
                  default {
                          Enable APM for all other uris

    Hope it helps

    Please mark it as answer if it works


    • randylee168's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks, we tried the above to disable the pre-defined access policy APM for  a few URLs:

      but it keeps asking the credential again and again, it can not pass the login. any idea? thanks