Forum Discussion

mwinstead_13706's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 15, 2013

Forwarding IP Causing IP conflict

I have a some VIPs setup as forwarding IPs. The destination IPs are actual IPs of Microsoft clustered SQL Resources. Everything was working fine yesterday. I was routing SQL through the F5 with these VIP. One of the Clustered nodes rebooted and the service migrated over to the other node. IP conflict errors started flagging and the SQL resources will not start up unless I disable the VIP. Anyone know a way around this or why this is happening? am I using the wrong setting?


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Hmm... Does that stop the ARP response? I'm not sure it does...


    Anyway... I'm not sure that having a host VS with the same IP as one of your backends is a good idea (I can think of too many ways it'll break or cause support nightmares)... I'd advise either changing one of them, or using a network VS and an iRule if you can't.




  • OK, so the IP of the Virtual Server is the same as the IP for the SQL cluster yes?


    I assume the VS is not enabled on the VLAN the SQL cluster is on is it?