Forum Discussion
Failed Hotfix update
Just tried to apply Hotfix-BIGIP- to existing volume - HD1.3. Result was failed with info below:
tail -f /var/log/liveinstall.log
info: /: Not enough free space
info: 268609536 bytes required
info: 226794496 bytes available
info: /var/local/ucs/config.ucs: Not enough free disk space to install!
info: Operation aborted.
info: >----
info: Removing boot loader reference
Terminal error: UCS application failed; unknown cause.
*** Live install end at 2017/05/22 09:39:59: failed (return code 2) ***
So I mounted /var from HD1.3 with mount -t ext3 /dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.3._var /mnt/tmp_root
Then I did df -h with result:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg--db--sda-set.3._var 3.0G 1.3G 1.6G 45% /mnt/tmp_root
Seems like there is plenty of space on /var so why the error?
Is there a way to increase size of directories of not active volume (like when using tmsh modify /sys disk directory /shared new-size for active volume)?
Side question
I did fresh hotfix install on new volume HD1.4, then used GUI Boot Locations to select it with Install Configuration: No
After reboot my whole config was copied to new volume - why so?
My db.liveinstall are like that (I doubt I was changing them from defaults)
tmsh list sys db liveinstall.* one-line
sys db liveinstall.checksig { value "disable" }
sys db liveinstall.longmode { value "enable" }
sys db liveinstall.moveconfig { value "enable" }
sys db liveinstall.movelicense { value "enable" }
sys db liveinstall.packageset { value "default" }
sys db liveinstall.saveconfig { value "enable" }
sys db liveinstall.savelicense { value "enable" }
- Victor_142239Nimbostratus
Had the same issue and had to remove a larger file so that my total free space on /var was something like 75%. Worked after that, don't really know why, should have been enough space as you say.
- dragonflymrCirrostratus
Thanks for info. I assume that you mounted /var to remove this large file?
- Victor_142239Nimbostratus
While I upgraded the other device in the HA-cluster yesterday the issue occurred again on that one as well. I did not have any larger files that I could get rid of on /var so what I had to do was to restart and it worked after that (is still had the same amount of free disk space available after restart).
- dragonflymrCirrostratus
Thanks for info, quite weird situation. I actually gave up and installed updated version on brand new boot locations so I can't try your solution.
- Victor_142239Nimbostratus
Got an answer from F5 support:
It looks like it was complaining about a lack of space on the root partition:
info: /: Not enough free space
/var is where the UCS file was located that it was trying to install from. I'd guess there were some temporary files under the root that were cleaned up after the reboot but it's hard to say what those could have been.
This explains why the error was resolved by a reboot.
- dragonflymrCirrostratus
Thanks for info.
I have the same issue when upgrading to EHF. This problem was related to very big UCS file that was created during applying hotfix. Somehow UCS file was containing all EPSEC images in it. I have deleted old and unused EPSEC ISO files. Removed failed volume and made a fresh install base + hotfix.
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