Forum Discussion

dragonflymr's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jan 27, 2016

Failed 12.0.0 HF1 update



I just tried to apply 12.0.0 HF1 to on brand new BIG-IP 4000. There was 12.0.0 preinstaled on HD1.2. After import and md5 check I used both gui and tmsh to apply hotfix to this volume (of course inactive). Almost immediately I received such error: failed (Cannot enumerate packages on target partition)


I tried to find anything about it but nothing seems to be available.


I wonder if someone maybe had the same issue and managed to solve it.




  • Hi,


    Thanks for pointing out. I actually managed to do fix it in a different way:


    1. Unprovision AVR
    2. Reboot device
    3. Delete volume with 12.0.0 (HD1.2)
    4. tmsh install sys software hotfix 12Hf1.iso volume HD1.2 create-volume

    Not the easiest way but worked and because it was not yet production system I was able to do that :-)




    P.S. On the same device Hotfix for 11.5.3 with AVR provisioned did not cause any problems.