Forum Discussion

sml11_86077's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 25, 2014

F5 Viprion Disk Volumes statistic



We are using monitoring tools to monitor our Viprion that configured with 4 vCMP. Our Viprion has 2 blades on each chassis. We have some concerns that in our monitoring tool, we are seeing 'cache memory' and 'physical memory' being highly used by 98-100%. My question is whether such high utilization in Viprion is normal? why i did not see double total cache and physical memory when we use 2 blades?




  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Are you monitoring the host or the vCMP guests? For the host you'll see 100% utilisation on memory when you've allocated all of it for the guests... (i.e. a 2100 blade with 4x vCMP guests will have 100% memory utilisation).

