Forum Discussion

Wasim_Hassan_13's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 16, 2014

F5 URL redirection



I am facing problem with the redirection. I have four server which are accessble on for the users on the below URL.


I want to give the user only one virtual IP so that they dont need to type full URl.




I have done the below mention settings but it is not working.


ltm pool PL_AD_POL { members { } AD_6:interwise { address session monitor-enabled state up } AD_7:interwise { address session user-disabled state up } } monitor AD_POL_7778 partition PRODUCTION


ltm rule AD_POL { partition PRODUCTION when HTTP_REQUEST {


if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/" } {


HTTP::redirect ""


ltm virtual VS_AD_POL { destination ip-protocol tcp mask partition PRODUCTION persist { PROD_STICKY { default yes } } pool PL_AD_POL profiles { /Common/tcp { } PROD_HTTP_Profile { } } rules { AD_POL } snat automap vlans-disabled


My traffic is not getting redirecting. When I am changing the port on VIP to port 7778 and removing the irule I am able to open the webpage by typing full URL. But i want to have the redirection and user wilil only open the http://abc


Please assist what I am missing.