Forum Discussion

reddev12's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Feb 15, 2023

F5 os is upgrade but when in export template the image is not changed

We have Azure Vm with F5 os .

we upgrade the F5 to from .

And we exported the template after upgrade but the image info was not changed to new version .


  • Hi Suraj,

    Not really my thing, but a while ago a customer asked me to prepare an Azure upgrade on their machines. I studied it but never went forward... but I do recall seeing a document stating you have to manually edit the ARM template.

    Look at, step 4 in the "Edit the 'template.json' ARM template" section.


  • reddev12 When you go to the images installed which one is it showing as the active? You might have to issue another reboot of the device into that new HD and see if it moves over to the new image. Have you verified that you are not receiving any errors in the F5 logs during bootup?

    • reddev12's avatar
      Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus

      Paulius  I mean Azure template was exported after the upgrade .

      But in Azure template the version of images was still instead of which was upgraded .


      storageProfile": {
                "dataDisks": [],
                "imageReference": {
                  "offer": "f5-big-ip-byol",
                  "publisher": "f5-networks",
                  "sku": "f5-big-all-2slot-byol",
                  "version": "15.1.601000" --------> This should change to new version 
      • Paulius's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        reddev12 My missunderstanding of the issue. So the device did upgrade correctly but when you extract the information it is showing the incorrect version in that extracted information? This could be an issue between Azure and the F5 VM. I know that in some instances in AWS (not Azure like you are stating) sometimes this data does take some time to populate correctly. If the profile does not update after some time has passed you will most likely have to open a ticket with Azure to resolve this issue.

  • Hi Suraj,

    Not really my thing, but a while ago a customer asked me to prepare an Azure upgrade on their machines. I studied it but never went forward... but I do recall seeing a document stating you have to manually edit the ARM template.

    Look at, step 4 in the "Edit the 'template.json' ARM template" section.


  • Mike757 Paulius  How do we generate the version number 15.1.601000  (as seen in az template ) from Product BIG-IP
    Build 0.0.10
    Edition Point Release 1


    Any easier way to get that number or an automated way