Forum Discussion

Manik_282561's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 06, 2017

F5 Log monitoring

We are having LTM,ASM and APM modules in our F5 device. I need to check and monitor the logs on daily basis. Please help me with commands and procedures to check the logs every day.  
  • Samir_Jha_52506's avatar
    Jul 06, 2017

    Unix command

    tail -f
    will print out the last 10 lines of a file and then wait for the file to grow.

    You can try other unix command to check log file

    cat /var/log/ltm | more  --> It will return page wise log file & press spacebar
    more /var/log/ltm 

    If you wanted to see older log(i.e previous day) file then

    zcat /var/log/ltm.1.gz | more

    Remote log management is always best option to monitor log.