Forum Discussion

swapnil_gupta_2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 09, 2016

F5 load balancer for restful and jsession ID cookie based persistence

Hi guys ,


I have two tomcat nodes server running separately on two different VM's but in same vlan. These two nodes are behind f5 load balancer with jsession cookie based persistency on port 80. While SSl session Id based persistency on secure port 443.


Each of the nodes run websites and have their own jsessionID unique to itself. Hence the reason why above persistency is working perfectly for it. But their are restful webservices running on each of these nodes within same tomcat server instance along with website. Each of the webservice use oauth2 based authentication mechanism. These webservices are directly consumed by Android and iOS application. Now since restful services are neither governed by jSession Cookie based persistency nor ssl session id based persistency. Each time when i hit the load balancer through mobile app with secure webservices it randomly redirects the request to either node 1 or node 2. Since for each webservice hit ssl session id is different. The above scenario happens.


What configuration needs to be done at f5 level to ensure the webservices are appropriately redirected


  • Hi,


    If you cannot persist on JsessionID, you have to persist on something else like another header, Src-IP, ...


    Best regards,

