Forum Discussion

flipa_29928's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 24, 2011

F5 Device Control Device Connection Interrupted in Health Explorer

Hi All,



When I examine the State view for our F5 devices in the SCOM Console I see them as Critical. I open the Health Explorer and see that the Control Device Connection unit monitor is the source of the critical state with an error indicating that the Control Device Connection was interrupted with an Event ID of 201. as follows:



event Number: 201


Event Category: 1


Event Level:1


User NameF5:Networks


Raw Description: The connection with device was interrupted


LCID: 127


Collect Description: True


Event Display Number: 201


Event Description: The connection with device was interrupted



I have only just managed to get to the point of starting the F5monitoringservice to run and stay running after many weeks of it cstopping with "cannot connect to an IPC port" errors but now it appears that this Control Device Connection issue may be preventing the collection of actual performance data from the devices since I do not see any actual data graphed in the performance view for the devices for the counters that the Mangement pack appears to have enabled by default even after waiting an hour after restarting the F5monitoringservice on the management server.



We are running SCOM 2007 R2 with CU3 and version of the F5 management Pack installed.



Any guidance as to how to resolve the above error would be greatly appreciated.



Kind Regards,





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Michael,



    We recently announced that we're not supporting the MP anymore. You can reach this post for some additional info.



    Management Pack - Download/Licensing Update




    I don't have any practical experience with MP, but maybe another DC user can help you.


