Forum Discussion
F5 - nPath configuration - display maintenance page
Thanks Paulius - we just want to display a under maintenance page - at this time we do not care about having it automatically displayed when the POOL is down ..... we will enable it manually.
So to explain we have iRule set for nPath to work .... as per the articles they mention a standard setup to auto display maint page when pool is down ...... and following the article it can not be configured because rule is configured different for nPath.
Servers will be down for maint so POOL will be down ... so we are looking for a way to have the maint page enabled at that time.
Would it be possible to have 2 profiles for the same VIP --- and enable as needed .. prod or maint.
Sorry our F5 is managed by a different group.. and looking for suggestions so we can ask them try we have been been told its not possible in nPAth config ... BUT again if pool is down we are not using nPath.
Many Thanks for any suggestions....
You won't be able to have 2 VIPs with the exact same IP/port combo but since you're doing this manually, you could always have a bogus port specified for the maintenance page VIP and your manual process is simply adjusting the port.
- VR12Dec 19, 2022
Thank you Buulam - there is a part I don't understand - So
We have DNS entry to vip (config uses nPath) set to , lets say just to discuss, to with pool of 2 servers that will be down for maintenance.
So we would create a New VIP with and ???
how would we point to new VIP or maint page from new VIP to respond to requests to ( don't care to much for doing DNS changes since have to deal with caching - tried that already.)
Many Thanks ...
- buulamDec 19, 2022
During the time when the pools are down, you'd change the to something else and then change in its place
The new VIP does not need to have a pool attached if you are using a maintenance iRule. It will not show Green "Up" status but it will work.
- VR12Dec 23, 2022
Thanks buulam - we will try that - and also will actually help us , because being that the primary VIP will display the maintenance page - we can use the temp vip to access the systems and test before releasing back to users .
Thanks again will let you know ...
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