Forum Discussion

bigipjr28_13978's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 11, 2014

external monitor location

Hey, I have an issue where I can not find an external monitor that is used on a dozen apps in our environment. I issued the find command on all of our prod external ltms still couldnt find it.


I looked in /usr/bin/monitors and /usr/share/monitors. I found the arg_example and sample_monitors default one there but not the external monitor I was looking for which is dual_https.


Any help would be appreciated!!!


  • Try here:




    • Cory_50405's avatar
      Icon for Noctilucent rankNoctilucent
      I've noticed this same anomaly where files in these directories don't show when doing a search. I don't have an explanation for the behavior.
    • bigipjr28_13978's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      one more thing i did a find on the whole filesystem on the ltm searching for that particular monitor? why did it not show up as a result of issuing the find command..thanks again