Forum Discussion

Draven_186334's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Aug 13, 2018

Explict Proxy Extremely Slow



using f5 13.1 v. Setting up a explict proxy with APM and SGW, i have the connectivity working correctly. SSL inspection and standard http is working. The issue experienced is the slowness of the proxy. On a external 100Mbps connection, getting around 50Kbps download. Installed licence is 200Mbps.


Any advice ?


Thanks Draven


  • for anyone that comes across this issue.


    Issue - When running VMware workstation 12.x + and the F5 BigIP VM on the same virtual network (eg client and the internal interface).


    Resolution - Change the client/source vm accessing the F5 (explict proxy) to an vmxnet3 nic rather then e1000e nic.


    Explanation - The issue is F5 will not run anything other then 10GbT (10Gb) and mixing with 1Gb is causing extreme throughput issues. For example on a 100Mbit internet connection, getting a download speed of 27.5Kbps/sec.


  • for anyone that comes across this issue.


    Issue - When running VMware workstation 12.x + and the F5 BigIP VM on the same virtual network (eg client and the internal interface).


    Resolution - Change the client/source vm accessing the F5 (explict proxy) to an vmxnet3 nic rather then e1000e nic.


    Explanation - The issue is F5 will not run anything other then 10GbT (10Gb) and mixing with 1Gb is causing extreme throughput issues. For example on a 100Mbit internet connection, getting a download speed of 27.5Kbps/sec.