Forum Discussion

EP1's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Oct 01, 2019

Exchange 2019

Hi all,   has anyone configured MS Exchange 2019 on the F5?   Are you using iapp template? I haven't found a template for Exchange 2019, are there any issues with 2016 iApp template and MS ...
  • Nathan_F__F5_'s avatar
    Oct 03, 2019

    Hi Spela,


    Unfortunately we don't appear to have an iApp for Exchange 2019.


    K13422: F5-supported and F5-contributed iApp templates


    In theory, you can try the iApp for Exchange 2016, because the iApp simply creates the configuration objects necessary to deliver the application through the BIG-IP. However, it depends how much the application has changed between Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2019. If there have been major changes, then it is likely some modifications will need to be made. It may be worth testing and then manually tweaking the configuration after it has been deployed.


    -Nathan F