Forum Discussion
Dec 15, 2011Nimbostratus
Exchange 2010 & F5
I have a iRule to block access of OWA from outside of our enviroment using the below code.
if {[string tolower [HTTP::uri]] eq "/owa" } {
HTTP::respond 401
What we are seeing is repeated login screens. What we would like to see is a unauthorized or unavailable error message come up. What do I need to change to get a error message to pop up. F5s are running 10.2.3 OS.
- Michael_YatesNimbostratusHi Mike,
- hoolioCirrostratusAs Michael said, you could use a 403 for this to indicate the request will never be allowed. A 401 indicates the app wants the user to present credentials for the request.
when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/owa"}{ HTTP::respond 403 content {Blocked!} } }
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