Forum Discussion

Alscion_68122's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 25, 2012

Error synchronizing configuration

Hi all,



I have a management server driving some of my BigIPs clusters with iControl (& Java). Periodically the management server use System::urn:iControl:System/ConfigSync::s


ynchronize_configuration() to synchronize the two BigIPs of a pair. For five days, it fail on a BigIP pair. The other pair synchronize correctly.



I checked on the management server but the log are not explicit:



Exception caught in System::urn:iControl:System/ConfigSync::synchronize_configuration()


Exception: Common::OperationFailed


primary_error_code : 16908289 (0x01020001)


secondary_error_code : 0


error_string : Error synchronizing configuration:



I think this answer come from the BigIP. I know synchronize_configuration() correspond to the bigpipe command b config sync but the command pass sucessfully on the BigIP.



I checked /var/log on BigIP: audit, configsync_peer.log, ltm but nothing about the error of configsync. Where can I check logs relating what is generating this synchronization error?





  • Hi Alscion,



    I'd open a case with F5 Support on this. They should be able to help you troubleshoot the issue.



  • Hi Aaron,



    Thanks for you reply, if can't solve the issue i'll open a case yes.



    I said b conf sync was ok from active to standby. I tried b conf sync pull from the standby:



    b config sync pull


    Checking configuration on local system and peer system...


    Peer's IP address:


    OperationFailed exception:


    Primary error : 16908289


    Secondary error: 0


    Error text : Error getting product version


    Transport and install failed


    Error running config sync pull.


    BIGpipe parsing error:


    01110001:3: Error running config sync pull




    I Have already have this issue on a another pair of BigIP, I remake all the HA configuration and the problem disappeared but I didn't understood why this issue. This time I want to know... I search for this "Error getting product version"..





  • For information, I have to configure & use the mirroring address for the CongifSync. Specify an IP address sometimes fail.
  • Any update on how to fix this?? I'm getting the same error. It was working fine earlier and suddenly started with this error.


    Error: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException: Exception caught in System::urn:iControl:System/ConfigSync::synchronize_configuration() Exception: Common::OperationFailed primary_error_code : 16908289 (0x01020001) secondary_error_code : 0 error_string : Error synchronizing configuration: at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at iControl.SystemConfigSync.synchronize_configuration(SystemConfigSyncSyncMode sync_flag) at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object , Object )