Forum Discussion

Chirag_Singh_38's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 07, 2019

Enterprise manager 3.1 emerg logger: Re-starting emfiled

Post applying hotfix at virtual edition , I am unable to see Repository Hotfix image list/Software image list. Only Archive list is visible. disk partition has changed from 2 to 1. 2 partition has become inactive. Cli is generating emerg logger: Re-starting emfiled error. Repository is generating An error has occurred while trying to process your request at GUI.


Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks


  • Post looking at the logs closely , i found database error 28 as well. Created new volume with bigger storage space and reinstall the hotfix. This resolve the issue.


    Issue was with almost full volume. Cheers !!!


  • Post looking at the logs closely , i found database error 28 as well. Created new volume with bigger storage space and reinstall the hotfix. This resolve the issue.


    Issue was with almost full volume. Cheers !!!