Feb 23, 2022MVP
Enable OCSP Stapling via REST API
Hi all
I'm struggling with the command syntax that will apply my OCSP stabling configuration on a certificate. I have found a workaround by pushing native tmsh commands via the bash api like this: ...
- Mar 01, 2022
Hi lnxgeek, give this a shot:
## Human Readable ## POST to: https://ltm3.test.local/mgmt/tm/sys/file/ssl-cert/example.com_2021-12-12/cert-validators body: {“name": "letsencrypt_ocsp_R3"} PATCH to: https://ltm3.test.local/mgmt/tm/sys/file/ssl-cert/example.com_2021-12-12/ body: {“certValidationOptions": ["ocsp"], "issuerCert": "RE_LE_2025"} ## CURL COMMANDS ## curl -X POST \ 'https://ltm3.test.local/mgmt/tm/sys/file/ssl-cert/example.com_2021-12-12/cert-validators' \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'User-Agent: Thunder Client (https://www.thunderclient.io)' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --data-raw '{"name": "letsencrypt_ocsp_R3"}' curl -X PATCH \ 'https://ltm3.test.local/mgmt/tm/sys/file/ssl-cert/example.com_2021-12-12/' \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'User-Agent: Thunder Client (https://www.thunderclient.io)' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=' \ --data-raw '{"certValidationOptions": ["ocsp"], "issuerCert": "RE_LE_2025"}'