Forum Discussion
Jun 03, 2011Data Group List use in a switch
I have a Data Group list called allowed_urls that has a list of accepted urls which i want to use in an irule.
switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
"*temp.txt" {
do stuff
"*users.txt" {
do stuff
How do i use Data Group lists in the example above?
- hoolio
Hi Yozzer, - Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountMore realistically what you want to do is set up an action for each file type. If that's the case, then make sure the action is associated with the file type in the data group.
when HTTP_REQUEST { set action [class match -value [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] equals allowed_urils] if {$action ne ""} do stuff $action } }
- Matt_Breedlove_
I do something like this to do a two factor firewall type rule that includes a src ip whitelist chained to particular URI prefix's. I really like this and its not terrible to read/maintain and uses switch plus datagroups for the winwhen HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [URI::decode [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]] { /customer1* { if { ([class match [IP::remote_addr] equals $::customer1_ip_whitelist]) } { return } } /customer2* { if { ([class match [IP::remote_addr] equals $::customer2_ip_whitelist]) } { return } } /customer3* { if { ([class match [IP::remote_addr] equals $::customer3_ip_whitelist]) } { return } } default { discard } } HTTP::redirect "[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" } I suppose to just check the URI against the datagroup instead of the src ip, it could be changed inline for each condition Hope this helps Thanks M
- Yozzer
Thanks all, - Yozzer
The data group list isnt held in the irule but added or removed from the Data Group List tab (in the GUI under Local Traffic >> iRules >> Data Group List) - nitass
as far as i know, i don't think it's possible. - Yozzer
Really! Its not possible to use data group lists with an if statement? - nitass
no, i mean i think it's not possible to use data group with switch. - hoolio
The datagroup will have various values that i want to test for in the url (i.e. a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, etc) and i want to perform actions when they are in the url. - Yozzer
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