Forum Discussion

Mick's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 03, 2024

Customize Form for AD Auth when Password Changes

I have an example APM policy in Modern profile, with the Logon Form and AD Auth step:

When a user is required to change their password they are prompted with "The domain password has expired. Please change the password."

I would simply like to replace the text with:

"Please enter your new password. 
Passwords must meet the following requirements:
•    Password must not match a previous password.
•    Password must be at least 12 characters long.
•    Password must contain at least 3 of the following:

    - Uppercase alphabetic characters
    - Lowercase alphabetic characters
    - Numeric characters
    - Non-alphanumeric (special) characters"
I have looked at various F5 references for APM customization and made various changes but I am struggling to work out how to change this. I looked at this reference but it didn't help me APM Advanced Customization Examples with Modern Template, v15.1+ | DevCentral
Assistance much appreciated!


  • All of those text settings are in the customization. Basically you select your access policy, then navigate to find the text you want to change. The error about expired password is in "AAA Errors" here:


  • All of those text settings are in the customization. Basically you select your access policy, then navigate to find the text you want to change. The error about expired password is in "AAA Errors" here:


    • Mick's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thanks Lucas, for some reason i thought it wasn't available on Modern policy templates.